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Grab everything you need for your 

Each level of The Story Weavers program is divided into 8 units, representing 8 months of homeschool. In each unit you'll find a Lesson Book, a Solutions Manual, a Shopping List, and a Consumables File. Find out more about each element below.


The Lesson Book

Here you'll find the heart of the program. Each Lesson Book is divided into 16 chapters and includes everything you need to learn. You'll find cut outs, QR codes, and notebooking pages right in the text. Thoughtful lesson designs mean that skills are introduced in small, manageable lessons with lots of opportunities for hands-on activities.


Simple tasks ease kids into the lesson for the day, more challenging work comes next, and playful cutouts and fun activities finish up the lesson to help families end the day on a high note.


Simple, flexible lessons challenge kids and take the overwhelm out of homeschool.

Each day's optional deep dive is clearly defined and included right in the text, making it easy for families to decide whether they jump right in, take a break first, or skip the extra material for the day.

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The Solutions Manual

Here at TSW we believe that the most effective learning happens together. The lesson books are designed to let you learn right alongside your child, but sometimes, you'll have questions.


The Solutions Manual includes example answers, tips and tricks for delivering a lesson, questions you can ask, and extra details to help you better understand each day's topics. 


There's no need to pre-read the Solutions Manual. Just refer to it whenever you have a question or need extra help.

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The Shopping List

Most of our activities require basic art supplies and simple materials, which you probably already have around your home. For everything else, we have a simple shopping list with easy-to-use Amazon links. â€‹

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The Consumable Pages

The consumable pages are the newest addition to our program! Whether you're using the Lesson Book on a tablet and just want to print the hands-on activities, have multiple kids working on the same level, or simply don't want to rip out pages from the Lesson Book, the Consumable pages are the easiest way to grab just the cutouts. 


NOTE: Your Lesson Book includes ALL of these pages. Only print the consumables if you need extras!

Still got questions?
We think some of these might help.


Your Year at a Glance

Want to know exactly what your child will learn this year? Our Skills Map lays it all out for you—every unit, topic, and skill covered throughout the year. This isn’t just about seeing what’s on the menu; it’s about ensuring our program aligns with your educational goals and philosophy. If you’re looking for a secular curriculum that provides clear, structured learning while leaving room for exploration, this is your chance to see if we’re the right fit. Download the Scope and Sequence now and preview the full year ahead!


Is This The Right Level For My Child To Start?

Take the Placement Test

Finding the right starting point is crucial to a successful learning journey. Our Placement Test is designed to help you assess whether your child is ready to jump in where our curriculum begins or if they need a customized entry point. It’s a quick, effective way to see if our program meets your child where they are, academically and developmentally. 


Still not sure about your level? Tap that chat button at the bottom right of the screen to talk to one of our experts! We'll help you find the right level for your family.

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